E. Sarah Bennett
Sarah has held positions with research ethics offices at several major institutions in BC over her almost 20 year career in research ethics and administrative leadership. In addition to her position as Manager, Research Ethics & Compliance at Island Health, and prior positions at SFU, and UBC, she serves as a member of the Advisory Council for Research Ethics BC (REBC), supporting the provincial, harmonized research ethics review of multi-jurisdictional studies involving human participants with Michael Smith Health Research BC. She served as a co-Director on CAREB-ACCER, the Canadian Association for Research Ethics Boards.
Sarah is involved in several educational activities at a leadership level to support research ethics colleagues, both within BC and further afield. She has pursued opportunities to network, learn, and reflect on current topics in research ethics via presentations and engagements with a positive energy. Sarah’s provincial work has shown her the importance of building and developing relationships across the research landscape.
Sarah believes in supporting continuous partnerships that in turn support innovation and knowledge development while strengthening research participant protections. An engaged and committed leader, Sarah brings her experience to the work at Island Health and supporting the research community for participant-centred research ethics.